Our desire is that Avis is the place where you can find all the information you need about Avis Car Rental and all our other services. If you wish to tell us someting or obtain a information you coudn’t find on the website, please contact us.
Our Terms and Conditions can answer many questions you may have reguarding car rental services.
When you fill in our online contact form, please check if you have entered all the neccessary informations in order for us to handle your request efficiently.
The data you provide us will only be used in order for us to give you a full answer to your inquiry.
*Please, don’t send us any personal details reguarding credit cards, payment info or similar data. If more details are neccessary we will contact you directly.
**Your email address will only be used for us to answer your request. We will not resell your email address to third parties for any purpose. We respect your privacy. For more informations see our Terms and Conditions.